Distribution and Conservation Status of the Far Eastern Tree Frog, Hyla japonica Günther, 1859 in Mongolia and Transbaikalia (Russia)

S. N. Litvinchuk, N. A. Schepina, M. Munkhbaatar, Kh. Munkhbayar, L. J. Borkin, V. I. Kazakov, D. V. Skorinov


In Mongolia and Transbaikalia (Buryatia Republic and Zabaikalskiy Kray of Russia), Hyla japonica was recorded in 79 localities. The distribution of the species in this region consists of four parts of various sizes (North-Muya, Barguzin, Selenga, and Amur – Halkhyn-Gol) which are isolated by mountains. We applied a species distribution model based on altitude, climate and land cover data for identification of suitable habitats. The altitude and four bioclimatic variables (annual mean temperature, annual precipitation, precipitation seasonality, and maximal temperature of warmest month) accounted for 81 – 83% of the predicted range. Negative consequences on tree frog abundance are impacted by drainage and contamination of water bodies, plowing of fields, cattle trampling the grass, and fish introduction to breeding ponds. The Far Eastern tree frog is a rare and sporadically distributed species which is listed in the Red Data Books of Mongolia, Buryatia Republic and Zabaikalskiy Kray of Russia. However, regional populations are not covered by protected areas (nature reserves) at necessary level.


Amphibia; Hylidae; distribution model; Maxent modeling; conservation

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.30906/1026-2296-2014-21-4-303-314


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