The Distal Limb Part’s Variability in Amphibia and Reptilia

Yu. I. Kruzhkova


This paper deals with acro- and basipodial variability in Tetrapoda on the whole and in Amphibia and Reptilia in particular. The variability analysis by «method of spectra» (Kovalenko, 1996) was applied. The characters, chosen for the analysis, were shown to combine with each other in an unfree way. The regularities of their combination were found. The comparative analysis of variability trends of mentioned structures in Amphibia and Reptilia allowed to reveal the qualitative and quantitative criteria of their real acro- and basipodial variability diapasons, discriminating these groups from each other. Besides distinctions, reptilians and amphibians were shown to have common regularities, differing from birds and mammalians.


acropodium; basipodium; variability; Amphibia; Reptilia

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