A Contribution to Boiga gokool (Gray, 1835) (Reptilia: Squamata: Colubridae)
The holotype of Boiga gokool, a poorly known species of cat snake having a narrow distributional limit in easternIndia and Bangladesh is redescribed. Based on fresh material and museum specimens the taxonomy of thespecies is revised. Investigations into the literature, museum specimens and new distributional records have enabledcorrections of erroneous reports and also mapping the distribution of this species. The study also recordsdata on its microhabitat, behavior and hitherto unknown information on its breeding biology. A distributionalsummary of sympatric species of Boiga occurring in eastern India is also provided and a determination key of theEast Indian Boiga species is provided.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.30906/1026-2296-2010-17-3-161-178
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