Declines of Amphibian Populations in North and Central Mongolia

Sergius L. Kuzmin


In 2007 and 2008, I conducted amphibian surveys in northern and central Mongolia, where amphibians were studied formerly in 1980’s – early 1990’s. Four amphibian species were found: Salamandrella keyserlingii, Hyla japonica, Rana amurensis, and Bufo raddei. Population declines were noticed in all species, but the first three species are most affected. Large disjunctions in modern geographic distribution of R. amurensis in central Mongolia were found. Two species from the Red Data Book of Mongolia, S. keyserlingii and H. japonica seem to be most affected. Populations of B. raddei are least affected. Main cause of amphibian declines is alteration of habitats, mainly the drying up of, and destruction of wetlands. This has resulted from a combination of natural and anthropogenic factors, i.e., aridification of the environment and intensification of agriculture (mainly cattle breeding). Drastic decline of two richest amphibian assemblages in the Orkhon River lower reaches is described. Creation of a protected area there is recommended.


Amphibians; populations; ecology; conservation; Mongolia; Salamandrella keyserlingii; Bufo raddei; Hyla japonica; Rana amurensis

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