New Data on the Distribution of Two Cryptic Forms of the Common Spadefoot Toad (Pelobates fuscus) in Eastern Europe

L. J. Borkin, S. N. Litvinchuk, J. M. Rosanov, M. D. Khalturin, G. A. Lada, A. G. Borissovsky, A. I. Faizulin, I. M. Kotserzhinskaya, R. V. Novitsky, A. B. Ruchin


The genome size variation in almost four hundred specimens of Pelobates fuscus fuscus, collected from 61 localities in Russia, Latvia, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldavia, and Kazakhstan, was studied by DNA flow cytometry. The existence of two geographic groups differed by genome size was confirmed by allozyme analysis. The distribution of the western type (with smaller genome size) and the eastern type (with larger genome size) of P. f. fuscus is described.


Amphibia; Anura; Pelobatidae; Pelobates fuscus; distribution; cryptic speciation; genome size; allozymes

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