A Northernmost Record of the Grass Snake (Natrix natrix) in the Baikal Lake Region, Siberia

S. N. Litvinchuk, V. N. Kuranova, V. I. Kazakov, N. A. Schepina


The grass snake (Natrix natrix) was observed in Dzelinda thermal spring (the North-Baikal Depression, Buryatia Republic, Siberia, Russia). This locality is situated more than 120 km to the north from the closest known record of the species and, therefore, is the northernmost in the Baikal Lake region. The distribution of N. natrix in the region (Russia and Mongolia) is discussed.


Natrix natrix; Baikal Lake; Siberia; Mongolia

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.30906/1026-2296-2013-20-1-43-50


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