Spacing Pattern and Reproduction in Varanus griseus of Western Kyzylkum

Alexey Yu. Tsellarius, Yuri G. Men’shikov, Elena Yu. Tsellarius


The monitors are distributed over the space unevenly: areas of high concentration (settlements) alternating with thinly populated areas. The settlements are partly isolated: the ranges of settlements may broadly overlap, but core areas of settlements overlap slightly or no overlap at all. The area of a settlement amounts to a kind of «public property» for settled inhabitants of this settlement. The signal field of settlement is attractive for members of this settlement and repellent for strangers. In each settlement the only one female laid eggs and only few males may be her partners. The majority of adult animals are excluded from reproduction and their main «function» is a maintenance of the signal field of high tension, i.e., peculiar protection of territory of settlement.


Reptilia; Varanidae; space use; social structure; reproduction

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