Reviewed Description of the Types of Phrynocephalus strauchi Nikolsky, 1899 (Squamata, Agamidae) and Materials on the History of Its Study, Distribution, and Variability

E. A. Dunayev


The status of the Strauch toad agama was identified differently after reviewed description as Phrynocephalus helioscopus strauchi, Ph. helioscopus, Ph. reticulatus strauchi. The holotype was not identified by Nikolsky. The lectotype status established by Fedchenko’s collection (ZMMU2 R-2116), because he worked before Middendorf in the Fergana Valley. Besides, Nikolskii preferred the first one in his study. Specimens of Middendorf’s collection (ZISP 8703, 8704) are paralectotypes. Ph. strauchi is endemic of the Fergana Valley. The data collected on the Aral Sea coast and the south-west of Tadzhikistan were erroneous, because of bad marking of animals and wrong identification. We found that one of collection numbers of Ph. guttatus in the Fergana Valley was Ph. strauchi (ZISP 5029). Different ecological forms of this species occupy sandy and stony habitats. They differ in background colors of the back (gray – for the sandy form, deep-red – for the stony), the number of transverse stripes on the back in the adult forms (3 and 2, respectively). In this paper we describe the colors in detail. The sandy form has well developed edges on the caudal scales, while the stony form does not have them. All the outlined differences were ecologically dependant, and, according to Mayr, we can name the two forms as ecological races.


Phrynocephalus strauchi; types; systematics; ecological races; distribution

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