Indirect Communications and Its Role in the Formation of Social Structure in Varanus griseus (Sauria)

Alexey Yu. Tsellarius, Yuri G. Men’shikov


Desert monitors are able to distinguish sex and age of conspecifics by their traces. Probably identification of individuals by tracks is possible also. All individuals make special scent marks regularly. Old monitors and those living for a long time in the particular region mark less intensively than young animals and new settlers. Spatial structure of the population is a mosaic of alternating areas with low density of tracks and areas with high density. The latters were named settlements. The area occupied by a settlement is 2 – 4 km2. The permanent information interaction with the neighbours is maintained mostly not by means of direct contacts, but is indirect through traces and signal markings. In the contacts of settled monitors of one settlement the level of aggressiveness is lower than in the contacts of settled animals with strangers. Marking in monitors is probably of double significance. On the one hand it is indirect self-presentation permitting a painless inclusion of the newcomers into the society, on the other hand intensive marking by settlers establishes a signal field specific for the particular settlement, which makes it difficult for strange individuals to take root, and therefore stabilizes the social situation.


Reptilia; Varanidae; social structure; communication

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