New Data on the Distribution of Eastern Spadefoot, Pelobates syriacus Boettger, 1889, and Common Spadefoot, Pelobates fuscus, Laurenti, 1768, in Dagestan (The North Caucasus)

Lyudmila F. Mazanaeva, Azim D. Askenderov


As a result of our study the new data on distribution of P. fuscus and P. syriacus in lowland of northern and southern Dagestan (Terek-Kuma rivers and Terek-Sulak rivers lowlands, Caspian Sea lowland) and in foothills were obtained. All reliable data on their distribution in Dagestan, including new localities, are presented on the map.


Pelobates; Pelobates syriacus; Pelobates fuscus; distribution; habitats; Dagestan; North Caucasus

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