Present Status of Lacerta danfordi Complex (Günther, 1876) in Southwestern Anatolia, Turkey

Özgür Güçlü, Kurtuluş Olgun


In the present study the specimens captured from northern and southern parts of the Büyük Menderes River have been examined to solve the problematic taxonomic status of Lacerta danfordi. A total of 105 specimens, 51 from the northern localities (Kalamaki and Kula + Paşa Plateau — 21♂♂, 19♀♀, 5 subadult ♂♂, 6 subadult ♀♀), 54 from the southern localities (Honaz Mountain and Çine + Herakleia — 24♂♂, 21♀♀, 6 subadult ♂♂, 3 subadult ♀♀) were examined in terms of 15 pholidotic characters, 11 morphometric measurements, ratios and indices as well as color-pattern features. There are not any obvious differences between northern and southern populations of the Büyük Menderes River in respect to color and pattern characteristics. Nevertheless, according to the statistics performed there is no doubt that there is a differentiation taxonomically in respect to pholidotic as well as morphometrical ratios and indices between these two populations. As a result, in order to support some of the previous studies performed to date, populations located in the northern part and southern part of the study area need to be considered as L. anatolica and L. oertzeni, respectively.


Lacertidae; Lacerta danfordi; Lacerta anatolica; Lacerta oertzeni; Lizard; Anatolia; Büyük Menderes River

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