Additional Data on the Herpetological Collection of Louis Amédée Lantz (1886 – 1953): Designation of a Lectotype for Eremias zarudnyi Lantz, 1928

Ivan Ineich, Igor (Игорь) Vladimirovich (Владимирович) Doronin (Доронин)


Several recent papers have reviewed the life and work of French herpetologist Louis Amédée Lantz. They have detailed the composition of his collections deposited in several museums. However, since then, several other important specimens from his collections have come to light. We here identify the syntypes of Eremias zarudnyi Lantz, 1928, which were located in Russia. We provide data on the type series, an English translation of the French description of E. zarudnyi and designate and describe a lectotype for the species.


L. A. Lantz; N. A. Zarudny; ZISP; lectotype designation; Lacertidae; Eremias zarudnyi; Iran

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