A New Species of Bufo (Amphibia, Anura) from the Miocene of Russia

Elena V. Syromyatnikova


A new species of Bufo is described from the Tagay locality (Irkutsk oblast’, Russia; late Early – early Middle Miocene). The material comprises disarticulated skull and postcranial bones. The described species can be differentiated from the other species of the genus primarily by the lateral depression of prootic and anterior position of the postorbital crest. The new taxon is similar to B. raddei in the ilium morphology and possibly belongs to the same radiation. The described species is the first fossil Bufo from the Early-Middle Miocene of Russia, and one of the oldest in Asia.


Anura; Bufonidae; Miocene; Bufo sensu lato; Lake Baikal

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.30906/1026-2296-2015-22-4-281-288


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